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Privacy Statement 

PRISTINE LEDGERS and its affiliated organizations believe that protecting your privacy is important. Our Policies have been designed to meet your needs and as well, they conform to The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act which is Federal legislation.


The Rules of Professional Conduct and related Council Interpretations of the Ontario Chartered Professional Accountants require that partners and staff maintain the confidentiality of client and former client information, as well as the confidentiality of Firm information, except in rare and very specific circumstances.
The Rules of Professional Conduct of the Ontario Chartered Professional Accountants also require that a member or firm shall not use confidential information for personal advantage, for the advantage of a third party or to the disadvantage of a client, former client or the Firm, unless consent has been obtained from the client, former client or the Firm.



We may from time to time use certain information commonly called cookies on your computer to save you time as a Visitor and User of our web site. We do not collect personal information in this fashion. If you do not wish this convenience, your browser will likely enable you to reject cookies.

Personal Information 

Personal information includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual. This includes information in any form but does not include the name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization.

PRISTINE LEDGERS collects personal information only for the following reason: to offer and provide services to you that we believe serve your interests. We will not use your personal information for any other reason without your consent.


Sharing of Information 

We only share your information with third parties to assist in completing the above uses. Any third party's use must adhere to our privacy policies or be allowed by the legislation. Examples would be an outside payroll service, an agent hired to perform a service for you, a collection agency, a law enforcement agency or emergency services.
We may share your information with third parties located in a foreign jurisdiction that may be available to a foreign government or its agencies under a lawful order made in that country. We will not use your personal information for any other reason without your consent, unless required by law.
PRISTINE LEDGERS policies are based on a model code for protection of personal information.



We have established a Privacy Officer who is part of senior management to ensure our policies are in force.
We inform and train staff on privacy issues.


Identify the Purposes 

We identify the purpose for collecting information before collecting it.

Obtain Consent 

We will obtain consent before collection of information.

Limit Collection 

We will only collect the information we need for the stated purpose.

Limit Use, Disclosure and Retention 

We use information only for the purpose of collection unless we receive consent or are required by law.
We have policies as to how long the information is kept.
We have policies for the safe destruction of the information.



From time to time, PRISTINE LEDGERS may make changes to this Privacy Policy.   privacy policies may be changed without notice from time to time and we cannot , possibly without prior notice.


Be Accurate 

We will use our best efforts to keep your information up to date.

Use Appropriate Safeguards 

We have policies to safeguard your information against unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.

Be Open 

Our clients and employees are informed of our policies and practices for managing personal information.

Give Individuals Access 

We will give individuals reasonable access to their information and correct any personal information if its accuracy and completeness is challenged and found to be deficient. There are limited exceptions to this which are set out in the legislation.

Provide Recourse 

We will investigate all complaints. Address them to:


Privacy Officer

Pristine Ledgers

7030 Woodbine Avenue, Suite 500 Markham, ON L3R 6G2

Tel/Tél.: +1 855 825 7701

If we do not resolve the issue to your satisfaction you may contact:

The Privacy Commissioner of Canada
112 Kent Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1H3

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